Pacific Coast Groundfish Individual Fishing Quota
INTRODUCTION TO THE COMMITTEEIncorporated on August 5, 1999, the Central California Joint Cable/Fisheries Liaison Committee (the "Committee") is a California Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation organized under the Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation Law.
The specific purpose of the Corporation is: "To facilitate inter-industry communication, coordination and cooperation between the Commercial Fishing Industry of Central California and Undersea Fiberoptic Telecommunications Companies operating in Central California." The Committee was formed concurrently with the execution of the July 22, 1999 Interim Agreement Between Cable Companies and Fishermen (as amended the "Agreement"), for the purposes described in the Agreement. The Agreement identifies, establishes, and confirms certain mitigation measures and monitoring programs which are intended to facilitate environmental review of the Member Companies Cable Projects (the "Covered Cables") and reduce potential conflicts between the installation, continuation, and maintenance of the Cable Projects and Commercial Fishing activities. The Committee has adopted Bylaws to implement all aspects of the Agreement and its jurisdiction relates to the area within one nautical mile on either side of the Covered Cables in the area from Point Arguello (34 Degrees 34 Feet, North Latitude) north to Point Piedras Blancas (35 Degrees 40 Feet, North Latitude) out to the one thousand fathom curve. The Committee is governed by eleven voting Directors: four Trawl Fishing Industry Representatives, five Cable Company Representatives, and two Association Representatives. The Trawl Fishing Industry Directors serve a two year term, and are appointed annually by individuals that are: Signatories to the Agreement Between Cable Companies and Fishermen; and, Active Members of the Fishing Industry; and, Engaged in Bottom Trawl Fishing; and, Conducting business in San Luis Obispo County 30 days prior to the selection process. Five Cable Industry Directors serve a two year term and are appointed one each by AT&T, Verizon, PC Landing Corp./Cirion Technologies Solutions, Zayo Group, and RTI. The Association Directors are appointed one each by the Morro Bay Commercial Fishermen's Organization and Port San Luis Commercial Fishermen's Association. A Committee Liaison Officer is selected by the Board of Directors and serves as the liaison between the Committee, the local community and the Commercial Fishing Industry. The Committee Liaison Officer is the principal staff support for the Committee, undertakes any activities deemed necessary and appropriate by the Board of Directors, and maintains and operates an office. |